Empowering + supporting local teens
4thirTEEN is a ministry for teens led by teens - building a strong foundation of faith, fortitude, family, and fun to encourage a successful transition into adulthood.
We are located on the lower level of Freedom Hall Civic Center 1320 Pactolas Rd, Johnson City, TN.
We provide comprehensive and innovative programs that address social, academic, life-skills, discipleship, entertaining, recreational, mentoring, artistic skills, career, and future advancement for ages 13-21. Derived from Philippians 4:13, not only can we do all things... but we see our TEENS DOING ALL THINGS!
Whether you are here to join, become a partner, volunteer, or financial donor, know that YOU will help us make a difference.
Building a strong foundation
We allow the TEENS to conduct bible studies, lead worship, pray and let them experience God in their own way. It's not a Religion but a Relationship!
Putting the tools in the hands of TEENS to allow them to paint their own picture as they develop into leaders, entrepreneurs, etc, while enhancing their gifts.
We build an atmosphere of trust, security, and love, to help teach TEENS that, though you come from different backgrounds, cultures or races, we can all be like a big family through our respect, support and care of each other. No matter what life throws at you, we want to have a place of safety to deal!
What would life be like for a TEEN who never has fun? We want them to enjoy their place as they meet new people, as they learn to serve and as they learn to laugh. Whether through athletics, skating, theater, karaoke, or just hanging out with friends, this is the fun needed.

For teens, led by teens
There's a LEADER in all of us. We believe that as TEENS grow, they will also develop and find who they are and where they desire to be in the next phase of their life. Being a leader doesn't always mean leading from the front... many leaders are the support team that is rarely seen but very powerful in the sustaining of an organization.

Meet T.R. & Carla Dunn
T.R. and Carla Dunn have always had a passion for working with teens. In serving as youth pastors and raising four sons, they discovered that these critical years are often when youth need guidance and support the most. During 2020, the year of the pandemic, they received a calling - to start an organization that would develop teens into leaders and help them be heard in a society that doesn't always listen.
While praying about the what, when and how, T.R. was reading Philippians 4:13 and the message was clear: 4thirTEEN was born, with the tagline TEENS DOING ALL THINGS.
Since its inception, 4thirTEEN has allowed T.R. and Carla to pour into the lives of hundreds of young people in our region.
There Is Hope
There is HELP, too. Reaching out is the last step you'll make alone.